Protoshop is an event jointly organised by Imu and the Finnish Fair Corporation for the Habitare design fair. Protoshop is a forum for designers and companies that allows designers to test how their works are perceived by the industry and users. To celebrate Helsinki's World Design Capital year Protoshop exhibits 11 previously presented works in addition to 13 new prototypes. The designs provide a collection of contemporary, open-minded design by Finland based designers.


Imu is a designer-led exhibition organization established in 2002. Imu has exhibited works by 70 designers in international events as well as in Finland. Imu stands for imagination, eccentricity and solidarity.

HABITARE, Finland's largest furniture, interior decoration and design fair, will be held at the Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre every autumn. The Ahead! design area at Habitare is dedicated to the latest in Finnish and international design.

Protoshop Ilmoittautuminen 2014